john's place in culpeper is very much a.... rural .....home. he lives amidst hundreds of acres of hay, corn, & soybeans. the farmhouse is set back off of the road, directly in front of two huge ponds. the peace and serenity of such a setting also comes with a price: no ties to the outside world! okay, so it's not quite that bad. however, john's place does not have a tv, has no internet connections, no landline and no cell phone signals! (his work phone works in the house, however that is the one exception!) i say all this to provide an exception for the loads of pictures below.
i normally spend my free time at the house either baking, cleaning or reading. however, when john's around we like to do things together. so what do you get on a warm, saturday afternoon with two bored 20-somethings with ants in their pant? a photo shoot with watermelons! enjoy :)

Looks like you have a great guy that you can have some good innocent childhood fun with! We all need to be a kid sometimes!
I can't believe that you can not get into your classroom yet...I have been slowly moving stuff in since the beginning of July. Are you ready? Nervous? Have you met anyone who you will be teaching with? Keep me updated and def. post pictures once you get settled into your room!
Ashley! I hope all your teacher-y meetings/orientation has been going well and that you have been able to see and possibly begin (or finish!) setting up your classroom. I just wanted to let you know that I was finally able to get into my classroom today (I am teaching kindergarten in case you hadn't heard) and I wasn't able to do much of anything other than move my stuff into my room, but I wanted to let you know the first and ONLY thing I did was hang my name magnets that you made me on my board!!! Just wanted to let you know your present was the first thing to appear in my room and that I am thinking of you! -Melissa
I grew up at SML! Do you know what part of the lake you were on, or what county you were in?? Boy, did your pictures make me homesick...
okay now that you are engaged- can't wait to see wedding stuff on this blog!
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