so my friend AK tagged me in her online blogging game of "8 random facts." here's how it goes:
- you're tagged by a fellow blogger
- you decide you have nothing better to do than share your oddities with the blogging world
- you come up with 8 random facts about yourself and create a post
- at the end of that post, you tag 8 additional people (8 other blogs) to play the game
- you tag someone by going to their blog and leaving a comment on the most recent post saying, "tag, you're it!"
so let's see....eight RaNdOm facts about me that you might not know upon the initial meeting....
- i really, really, really like cows. stuffed cows. cow fabric (my mom made me a cow quilt!). cows by the lang company are my favorite.
- i cut my hair impulsively. i don't get regular cuts or trims. instead, i cut my hair about 2-3 times a year when i wake up and decide i need a change. sometimes it's a bad idea, sometimes it is a welcome change. today was one of those days.

- i've never flown before. in august i embark on my initial air travel as i head to see my best friend, myra, in boston. i'm not sure what will make me pee my pants first-- being at the mercy of the winds or seeing my best friend for the first time in over 6 months.
- i'm a pk. that's right, my daddy is a preacher-man! some of you already know that, but lots of you may not. my dad has been a pastor since i was 10 years old and it's been such a blessing to grow up as a "preacher's kid."

- i want to have a barn wedding when i grown up. :) my dream wedding has always been country-themed, with my ideal reception location a quaint, old, still-in-good-condition barn! THIS is what i have in mind. :) (photos courtesy of
- i cannot stand cool-whip! anything with the texture of the nasty, sticky stuff is not my cup of tea either-- peanut butter, reddi whip, whipped frostings-- yuck!
- i've lost a toenail in every 1/2 marathon i've run to date. granted, it's only two, but they still haven't grown back. the podiatrist said it was because of my shoes, but i like to think of it as a medal of honor for all of my training & hard work. :) (a very big "im sorry!" to everyone out there that i just grossed out!)
- i've played the violin since i was in 5th grade. i love the beautiful sounds that german wood makes and hope that someday i can pass it down to my little girl.
there ya go! now i have to "tag" eight others. sorry, but i'm not sure if i know eight other people! i'm not quite the blogger as my buddy
ak is. :) hope you enjoyed my oddities!
thanks for playing along- great facts! LOVE THE HAIRCUT!!! looks great
okay my friend- summer is coming to an end slowly but surely and i know you have a classroom coming up- where some blogging! i miss you!
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