of course i couldn't take just a few party pictures. here are the rest!

mackenzie ballin'

alex is so tiny, he could walk under the tables!

what a sweet lil guy

"give me the cake!"

eyeing both the cupcake and john, the photographer :)

" hmm, what is this?
i've never had one of these before"

going in with a "smack!"

of course on your first birthday,
you have to smash your cake before you eat it!

& keep smashing til it is no longer recognizable!

chocolate frosting everywhere!

and now, the clean-up begins!

like the sign i made?!
unfortunately, most of our riders were not yet walking,
so we didn't really need a "line starts here!" sign!

oliver walked behind the shed and came out with this!

a little farmer in the making :)

of course!
it's a renfrow, john deere party!!!


and now, it's present time!
boy did wyatt have a time- there were SO MANY PRESENTS!

this is my favorite picture from the whole weekend.
how adorable is wyatt in his little j.d. hat from grannie & pop-pop?!

i think wyatt liked the bucket loader i gave him!

the happy family!
ali (with baby #2!), matt and wyatt- the birthday boy!
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