may 12, 2007 was wyatt's first birthday! of course, it also happened to be my graduation weekend. thus, matt and ali decided to move wyatt's birthday celebrations until the following weekend so that everyone could attend. (thanks!)
mom, dad and myself traveled down to willow springs, nc after mom & i got out of school on friday. john met us down there that evening to help wyatt celebrate too! we just relaxed and caught up on friday night, while making a few more preparations for the big
john deere party.
saturday morning was very busy! between decorating cakes, installing shelves in the nursery, going to get balloons, decorating the backyard and keeping up with the birthday boy himself, we had a great time preparing! at 12:30 the guests starting arriving for what i believe is the best 1st birthday party to date. :) i'll let my pictures speak for me.
wyatt loves his little jumper swing,
especially when john plays too!
wyatt's smiles go straight across his little face & i love it!
waiting on lunch,
wyatt & mackenzie
"okay mom, now we're REALLY hungry!"
wyatt, mackenzie and wyatt's neighbor
mom & dad got wyatt a tractor/tricycle!
john deere of course :)
a sepia-toned shot of wyatt on the new toy
wyatt LOVED my big sunglasses!
they nearly swallow his tiny face!
hangin with my joe cool :)
wyatt checkin' out his new wheels
wyatt's friend, alex, came to the party too!
wyatt has more friends than i do!
the backyard set-up
look at that loot!

all of the yummy food

where's the cake?!

i love to watch wyatt try new foods
isn't he precious?!

alex is a busy boy!
here he's checking out one of the gardens

and no john deere party would be complete without gator rides!
eston and oliver decided they would start it off
(don't worry, it wasn't running!
they were just pretending to drive!!!)

eston, taking it all in

and oliver!