last friday i finished my student teaching internship in 5th grade in roanoke city. this semester was quite the learning experience. teaching the grade i wanted the least, in the area i dreaded the most, taught me more than i could have asked for. i learned:
- that children are children, regardless of where you are
- about the basic, human desire to be loved-- a feeling that transcends all barriers
- that many kids are robbed of their childhood for circumstances they can't control
- that many of my students' negative outlooks are not the child's fault, but a result of their unfortunate environment
- about expectations. my students will not have them unless i expect nothing but the best from every single one of my kids.
- i'm stronger than i thought. i'm a tough cookie when i need to be but still have a soft center that melts for children.
- my creative outlets allow my students to excel in ways i never imagined.
- i can actually teach social studies, although i hate the subject and never wish to teach virginia studies again! :o)
- i'm good at teaching. i can do this. i'm a teacher.

a "goofy" picture!

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