on saturday, i ran the inaugural dismal swamp stomp 1/2 marathon. it was so much fun! i must say, it wasn't nearly as fun as the rock n' roll marathon courses but it was amazing to run with my family. of course, i left my ipod at home and didn't have any music to run with. :( on top of that, the weather wasn't really in our favor, with temps only 40 degrees and rain on and off throughout the race. i really thought i would not be having a happy run going into the race. however! it was such a blessing that it wasn't the hot, humid temperatures we normally get in the 757 region. the rain was enough to cool me down and actually turned out to be favorable conditions until it really started to pour the last two-three miles of the race. i finished in a time of 2 hours, 5 minutes-- 16 minutes faster than my rock n' roll 1/2 marathon! my time placed me 12th in my age class, another result i'm really proud to share. :) i finished with my sister-in-law's sister, andrea, racing each other the last mile to the finish line. jason, her hubby, finished in 1 hour, 54 minutes and my brother finished his very first 1/2 marathon in 2 hours, 28 minutes! everyone did such a GREAT job and had an awesome time running together. check out the results here!

note: taking pictures immediately after you cross the finish line isn't the best idea!
(matt was just a little tired, can you tell?!)

mom, ali & wyatt came to see us finish! unfortunately, they didn't get there in time to see jason, me and andrea finish. however, wyatt got to see his daddy come across the finish line of his first race! :) yay!

the big guy can now drink out of big-kid bottles!
he's growing up so much!

the cold temps & rain really got to all of us, especially andrea!

refueling & rehydrating after the race

look this way, wyatt!

our first brother/sister race
and we were both in pain afterwards :o)

the gang, post-race
obviously we were all feeling great & looking at the camera simultaneously:)
This race was a lot of fun, I flew back from Kansas City just to run the inaugural Dismal Swamp Stomp. I had previously lived in chesapeake, VA for 5 years and fell in love with the Dismal Swamp. So much so that I even wrote a book about it!
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