this past weekend was homecoming here at vt. there are week-long events from pep rallys to talent shows leading up to the culminating homecoming weekend. i went to the parade with my roommate, kileigh and her boyfriend, chris, on saturday morning. it was a beautiful fall day with a crisp chill in the air and the leaves outside looked like a beautiful painting. after the parade and some quality time with emmy, i came back to do some work and bake for the tailgate. the ece girls went to abby's house before the 7:00 game to eat dinner and hang out together. (just like our wonderful potlucks!) we all then trecked to the game in the cold with our scarves and mittens. :) the hokies did a great job and pulled out the win to beat southern miss 36-6. not only was it a great homecoming game, it was also a much needed win to boost hokie morale! i'm going to miss football season-- the lights, the game, and most of all, the exciting spirit that consumes blacksburg every game weekend.

laura, abby, me and kristie before the game

waiting for the parade to start. emmy and i are both saying "cheese!"

with kileigh at the parade

emmy just loves parades :)

anxious anticipation

amy hay for homecoming queen!

sumeet for homecoming king!


the stadium prior to the game, without the orange & maroon-clad fans :)

the team warming up

my retarded friends :o)

best friends

after 5 years, we finally got a picture with the hokie bird!

emmy just loves parades :)

anxious anticipation

amy hay for homecoming queen!

sumeet for homecoming king!


the stadium prior to the game, without the orange & maroon-clad fans :)

the team warming up

my retarded friends :o)

best friends

after 5 years, we finally got a picture with the hokie bird!