so i came home for the weekend to 1) see my wonderful rent units 2) spend some quality time with dr. cox [note the sarcasm]
but today i came back in full-force! we went to the park, played in the "ducky tunnel"- this little tunnel between the park and the road- and got to ride the new tricycles the kids got for their birthdays! now let me tell you a little bit about these tricycles...as you can see, they have an enormous handle on the back-- at just the right height for a big kid to push them! so that's what i did, almost 2 miles there and back. katie and dominic quickly learned that they didn't have to pedal because "asheeee" would push them if they stopped! we came home to eat lots of dinner and then i put the stinkers into the jogging stroller and went for a run. [mommy training, what?!] now my little sweethearts are sleeping soundly and i am about to do the same...8am will be here before i know it and they will be up and at em! here are a bunch of pictures for you to enjoy. i get a little carried away sometimes ... :)

1 comment:
GREAT pictures- the tunnel one is awesome!!! i love the lighting- way to go on that one!
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