"Don't sweat the small stuff."
Today I woke up dreading the work load ahead of me. I walked outside to the 16 degree chill of a Blacksburg January, knowing the day would only grow colder. On days like today I have to remind myself of the simple joys. This Wednesday I have class from 9-5 and mountains of homework awaiting me aftewards, so it's imperative to find pleasure in the small things. We have the most adorable, primative coat rack in our apartment that says in big, bronze letters "simplify." Take a deep breath. Read a good book. Remind youself of the simple joys today.
Some simple joys that I love:
-twinkle lights
-The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle
-ribbon bows
-emmy kisses
-the smell of freshly-baked cookies
-french braids
-Starbucks cinnamon dolce latte
-crayola markers (my personal favorite? macaroni and cheese)
-holding hands
- :)
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